Friday, May 29, 2009

Strawberry Banana Coconut Smoothie

Here's our current favorite smoothie to enjoy for breakfast each morning.

1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
1/2 medium banana
2 tbsp coconut milk
1/4 cup pineapple
1/4 cup skim milk
1 cup ice

Blend in blender...

I don't currently have pineapple on hand, so I've omitted it and since I'm trying to eliminate milk I just increased the coconut milk a little.  Also, David loves banana in his smoothie, so I used a whole banana in his.  Also, my mom was here and wanted some almonds in hers so I threw a handful in, she loved it!

I'm working on a "Green" smoothie, but haven't found a recipe I like yet.  I drank one the other day to take my vitamins and that was about all of it I could handle.  I also made Honey Roasted Peanut Butter - there is just one word for that... YUMMY!  I am going to attempt to make almond butter and hummus in the next few days. 

So if you have any favorite smoothies, can you put the recipe in a comment?  I would love that.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get Healthy - Phase 2

Monday started a new season of my life.  A no sugar, dairy, processed food season.  I am also attempting to be coffee free!  I will also be taking supplements.  I am attempting to eat RAW for Breakfast and Lunch and then only chicken or fish for dinner.  David is joyfully joining me on this new journey.  And I have found a ton of encouragement from my family and friends.  

Breakfast consists of a fruit smoothie with protein powder and flaxseed oil (omega-3s).  Snacks throughout the day include all types of fresh fruits and veggies - apples, oranges, radishes, coconut, celery, chickpeas, carrots, mangos.  All super yummy things!  

Lunch so far has been a smaller meal for me than usual because of the smoothie in the morning.  I find that I am not hungry until like 1 or 2.  

David also blessed me with allowing me to purchase a very expensive blender - its called a Vitamix and its the most awesome blender i've ever used.  Mine has not arrived yet, but I've used a friends before.  You include the whole fruit in the blender, seeds, skin and all.  You can put a Avocado pit in it and it pulverizes it.  There are so many nutrients found in the seeds and skin of a fruit.  

I am praying that this journey is a successful one for me.  With the possibility of my symptoms changing but also to eat a more healthy diet will give rewards for years to come!