Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get Healthy - Phase 2

Monday started a new season of my life.  A no sugar, dairy, processed food season.  I am also attempting to be coffee free!  I will also be taking supplements.  I am attempting to eat RAW for Breakfast and Lunch and then only chicken or fish for dinner.  David is joyfully joining me on this new journey.  And I have found a ton of encouragement from my family and friends.  

Breakfast consists of a fruit smoothie with protein powder and flaxseed oil (omega-3s).  Snacks throughout the day include all types of fresh fruits and veggies - apples, oranges, radishes, coconut, celery, chickpeas, carrots, mangos.  All super yummy things!  

Lunch so far has been a smaller meal for me than usual because of the smoothie in the morning.  I find that I am not hungry until like 1 or 2.  

David also blessed me with allowing me to purchase a very expensive blender - its called a Vitamix and its the most awesome blender i've ever used.  Mine has not arrived yet, but I've used a friends before.  You include the whole fruit in the blender, seeds, skin and all.  You can put a Avocado pit in it and it pulverizes it.  There are so many nutrients found in the seeds and skin of a fruit.  

I am praying that this journey is a successful one for me.  With the possibility of my symptoms changing but also to eat a more healthy diet will give rewards for years to come!  


Crystal Joy said...

Yeah Kelly! I'm so grateful for the direction the Lord has brought for you through the gift of a sweet friend. I'm encouraged to see how you are making these changes and hope you will be completely healed as a result! Love you! And just so you know, we're up for raw stuff and smoothies for family vacation time. :)

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

i cant wait to hear how it goes!!! :)

Sara said...

Could you ever post some of the recipies?!

Meghann Roberts said...

So cool! I can't wait to hear more about your "journey". Looking forward to trying your smoothie! I'm down to one diet soda and one Slurpee =) a week...working on other changes, too! Please keep posting!! Love you girl!!