Sunday, August 5, 2007

12 days till our move!

Today marks only 12 days left until we move into our new house. The house in in disarray amidst boxes and a mess of wrapping, bubble wrap and things waiting for the right sized box. The house is looking bare now so we are anxious to settle in to our new home.

We will be signing a lease to rent this house tomorrow, so things have been coming together here in the Traugott house. We are super busy, as normal. I'm trying not to use that as an excuse for things. You know, I found myself saying, "When life slows down I'll ..." And then realized the ... never happens because as much as I can tell life doesn't slow down much. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that!

1 comment:

Medana22 said...

I am praying for you! I am so excited that God has had things "fall" into place for you guys.