Monday, July 21, 2008

7 years ago today...

So its almost 1pm and 7 years ago today at 1pm I was seeing the man of my dreams (for the first time that day) who in a few short hours would be my husband. These have been the best 7 years of my life. My what a journey we have had. We have lived in 6 homes/apartments, had 3 children, 3 vehicles and countless memories made that we will cherish the rest of our lives. I am thankful for David. How he loves me, cares for me, provides for me and our family, how he loves our Savior and loves the people God has entrusted to his care.

I love you David! And I look forward with much anticipation about the years ahead that we will spend together. God willing that will be a really long time!

On a funnier note, I had to get a filling today. Oh yea! So my face is still numb. David is cracking up laughing at me and he has refused to kiss me. Well, we took care of the later, but he is still laughing at me. I told him he hurt my feelings cause what if something happened and I had a half smile all the time (Pouring on the guilt is a specialty of mine). He told me he was going to post a picture of me. I don't think that will happen. I'm sure any of you who have had a filling know just what I am talking about.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

I for one would love to see a pic. C'mon, David!!!! :o)