Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Harsh Word Stirs Up Anger

This morning David and I were talking about how we are both so often tempted to speak harshly to our little girls when they are not doing as they should. In effect we are trying to motivate them by fear instead of by grace. Then I did my devotions... I am reading through Matthew right now, in my attempt to read through the Bible in a year. So today I read in Matthew 12:34 and 36-37, it says...

"For out of the abundance of your heart the mouth speaks", "I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned."

By grace the Holy Spirit has shown me a few times today when I was tempted to speak harshly to the girls and as a result I was able to speak with grace and peace to them. There were also a few times that the Holy Spirit showed me afterwards as well.

I am a great sinner, in need of a great savior! And I want to raise my girls, motivating them by grace and not fear.


Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for linking to my blog. I clicked through your referral link on my blog stats page to see what it was and saw all your smiling faces and this great post I can totally relate to. I will definitely be visiting often.

Love all of you. Hey, is the consignment boutique with Gail? So neat!

Tim and Roxanne said...

What a wonderful reminder. Even as my children leave home and I enter into a new season, I'm reminded afresh on my responsibility to breathe life into them through words filled with grace.

Sara said...


We have only met once(i think) but I check your blog every so often through Praise's blog - Anyway, Speaking with Mercy and kindness instead of Anger and harshness are two things I am constantly fighting, especially with my kids, so thanks for the reminder. I pray you will see God's grace each day you fight and I know God will be faithful!

Keep fighting my friend---
Sara Anderson