Monday, August 4, 2008

Ignite 2008

Well we had a full weekend! It was because we were over in Brooksville at the Lakeside Retreat Center for Grace Church's first youth retreat. It was for our middle school and high school groups. So much like back in my days of Extreme. We loaded up early with a few minor attacks from the enemy, but we overcame them and only left 1/2 hour late, we hit the road to set up and transform a woodsy camp into a beautiful meeting room where we trusted we would all encounter God this weekend!

God was so faithful! First of all, David did a fantastic job. I wish you all could have been there. He preached three of the four messages and lead all the meetings. I think Wayne was seeing what his capacity is and he passed with flying colors. The focus of the meetings was the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit showed up! Secondly, Chris Jessee was able to come and lead worship for us! That was such a blessing. He did a great job as always, it was such a joy to hear him lead. When I closed my eyes I felt like I was having flashbacks to Metro's firt youth retreat at the Woodlands.

So what were the highlights...

#1 - a young women seeing her need for a Savior and responding to Him.
#2 - a 10 year old girl, being filled with the Spirit praying for all her friends, young and old alike, this girl had no fear! It was so cute!
#3 - ministry time at the meetings,
#4 - prophetic words brought,
#5 - the nastiest "Nasty War" (food fight) I've ever seen.

I'll post pictures in the next few days!

1 comment:

The Neus... said...

food fight? we want to see some pictures!! That sounds gross!